Making account logon more secure

There are several ways to prevent hackers from even getting to the account logon menu pick of your auto attendant. Some methods make it difficult for your own users to use the system, so you need to judge how far you want to go to prevent toll fraud at the expense of phone system ease of use. Note that these options do not make your system secure by themselves, as they only slow down hackers. The only way to make account logon secure is to make sure your user passwords are secure and are changed often.

Auto attendant security options include the following:

In your main auto attendant, change the default logon menu pick “#” to another value. Be sure to tell users what key to press to log on.
Only allow logon from certain auto attendants. Give your remote users a phone number routed to a special auto attendant that permits remote logon, and prevent your main auto attendant from doing so. For DID systems (where you can't control the specific trunk used on inbound calls), give your remote users a DID number instead that routes them to the special auto attendant.
Rotate the auto attendant that supports logon. Do not permit logon in your main auto attendant that is assigned to every trunk. Instead, each week create a unique auto attendant that permits logon on a different trunk. Publish the trunk's phone number to your users as it changes.
Enable auto logon for users and auto attendants. When auto logon is set up for a user, whenever the user calls into Wave from the specified phone number via an auto logon-enabled auto attendant, the user is automatically logged in to his or her voice mailbox without being prompted to enter an extension or password. You configure this option for each user via the The User \ Numbers tab .


Enhancing password security
Disallowing security-risk user permissions
Setting up dialing restrictions
Securing your phone system database
Securing SIP stations